

He is just a little boy...but he makes the world feel like much bigger..he is one of the greatest gift, he is my lovely nephew..he is my family's Anugerah :)

Full Name : Muhammad Ikhsan Anugerah
Born  : Soppeng, April  19th 2010

Iccang : Im a man...dont you see my pose?? wkwkw

OOO...What is inside that  super tiny black hole???


Who could forget this  pure happy smile...

Trying dancing Cayya-cayya ...

Quality time with his LOvely Mom

Lead your life...make the big step..go far and further then show the world to me,,hear the heart voice and record it to remain you when the world become deaf, master many language, just believe that you are the one who will be heard by the cosmic mysterious guest in the future..built your biggest dream and bring it into the real world...grow up and be a great man, AMIN...

This is a pray from Bunda :)